Paradise Lost Family Tree
Metal Family Tree
This is a project aimed at making it easy to see who inspired the bands you love or even hate. For this I try not to use any influences that the band don’t claim themselves. There will be a focus on predecessors but successors will be added as they site the band. These trees become more and more interactive as new bands are added, allowing you to click any band that has a tree and jump to it.
We want our lists to be better. If you know something that belongs on this list, let us know. When in doubt we will leave it out, so we need reliable sources.
Paradise Lost are pioneers of the death/doom and gothic metal. They have maintained a steady line up with the exception of drummers. Nearly everything written by the band has been by guitarist Gregor Mackintosh and vocalist Nick Holmes so this tree will focus on their influences.
Fleetwood Mac has played a lot of different styles starting with bluesy rock. Greg said he listens to their old stuff.
Siouxsie and the Banshees started as a post-punk/new wave band and were pioneers of the the goth rock sound. Gregor named them as an influence.
Hardcore punk band Discharge have been influential even in metal bands. Gregor says he really learned less is more from them.
Killing Joke was an influential post-punk band. Gregor said he really took to a chorusy sound bands like them did.
Depeche Mode are a well known synth-pop/ new wave band. Gregor said when he got burnt out on the gothic thing their influence helped him keep things fresh particularly on One Second.
Sisters of Mercy are an influential goth rock bad that Nick named as an influence. Gregor said their influence mixed with their original death/doom sound is where the gothic metal sound first came from.
Queensryche are some of the first to add the progressive sound to metal. Nick is a big Geoff Tate fan.
Coronor are technical thrash legends. Gregor says he loves their R.I.P. album but after that not as much.
Possessed are one of the earliest death metal bands. Nick named them as an influence.
Trouble are an important doom band. Gregor named their first album as being a big influence and loved how they handled a two guitar sound.
The Cult are a hard rock band with a goth influence. Gregor said their influence helped them find their sound.
Candlemass are probably the best known and one of the most quintessential doom metal bands. Nick called their first album Epicus Doomicus Metallicus a game changer. Gregor said it was the album that got him into doom metal.
Pentagram are a doom pioneer playing in the 70’s. They changed a names a few times before landing on Pentagram in 83 and releasing their first album in 85. Gregor said they were one of the doom bands he was into.
Fields of the Nephilim are an influential goth rock band. Greg named them as an influence.
Massacre are a lesser known early death metal band. Nick named them as an influence.
Recoil is the project for Alan Wilder of Depech Mode where he did his more experimental stuff. Gregor said this inspired him to be a more experimental especially on the album Host.
Danzig formerly of Misfits fame moved on to a more metal sound with his solo band. Gregor his a huge fan of his first album and the simplicity of it.
Nick said he always admired high ranged singers like Bruce Dickinson and Geoff Tate but could never do that him self.
For Faith Divides Us - Death Unites Us Gregor was listening to a lot of “evil” sounding music such as the sound track to the original Oman film.
Nick and Gregor both mention being fans of Motorhead early on. Nick also was a Venom fan as a kid.
Bands influenced by Paradise Lost!
As this project advances, more bands will be added here.