Alestorm Family Tree
Metal Family Tree
This is a project aimed at making it easy to see who inspired the bands you love or even hate. For this I try not to use any influences that the band don’t claim themselves. There will be a focus on predecessors but successors will be added as they site the band. These trees become more and more interactive as new bands are added, allowing you to click any band that has a tree and jump to it.
We want our lists to be better. If you know something that belongs on this list, let us know. When in doubt we will leave it out, so we need reliable sources.
Alestorm are a band that mixes different styles, primarily folk/power with pirate theme. Christopher Bowes is vocalist/keytar player and is the main songwriter in the band. Other members have some co-writting credits but they a predominately a keyboard lead band. Original guitarist Gavin Harper although had limited writing, probably has a lot to do with how guitars would be played in Alestorm. Luckily he is one of the few members of whom I’ve found influences for.
Symphonic Epic Black Metal band Bal-Sagoth were named as a favorite of Chris’s. They are the band that showed him that a keyboard could be a lead instrument.
Finntroll are a blackened folk metal band. Chris named them as an early influence.
Turisas are a symphonic/folk metal band. Chris said they was an early influence.
Finnish folk metalers Korpiklaani were named as an early influence of Chris.
Alestorm has a lot of pop influence in song structure and catchyness.
Chris said in a 2019 interview he gets a lot of musical ideas from Luke Bryan and Kenny Chesney… ok then.
Gavin Harper was guitarist on the first album and has three co-writing credits. His influences include Angra, Children Of Bodom, Dragonforce, Sonata Arctica, Helloween (Kai Era), Gamma Ray, Decapitated, Majesty, Hammerfall, Manowar, Wintersun, Sinergy, and Kalmah.
Tim Shaw did not play guitar on any album but has co-writing credits on a few songs on the second album. I am unsure of his influences.
Joe McQuade is credited with co-writing credits on the second album, but I have no idea who he is or what he did.
Peter Alcorn has been drumming in the band since 2010 and has some co-writing credits but I haven’t found his influences.
Elliot Vernon has been on keyboards since 2011 and has been writing with the band. I am not sure of his influences.
Dani Evans has played started on bass and then moved to guitar he is no longer with the band and only has one co-writing credit.
Gareth Murdock has been on guitars since 2009 but has only one co-writing credit so far.
Máté Bodor has been on guitar since 2015 and has co-writing credits. He said they are more inspired by their old stuff than anything else.