Morbid Angel Family Tree
This is a project aimed at making it easy to see who inspired the bands you love or even hate. For this I try not to use any influences that the band don’t claim themselves. There will be a focus on predecessors but successors will be added as they site the band. These trees become more and more interactive as new bands are added, allowing you to click any band that has a tree and jump to it.
We want our lists to be better. If you know something that belongs on this list, let us know. When in doubt we will leave it out, so we need reliable sources.
Morbid Angel is one of the most prominent and influential death metal bands. Trey Azagthoth is the only original member and has been with the band since the beginning. The vast majority of music has been written by him. David Vincent was on vocals/bass for the first four albums and returned again later be part of their worsted received album. Between those albums and after his spot was filled by Steve Tucker. Both have contributed to writing to some extent. The second guitar position has been filled by several players starting with Richard Brunelle, then Erik Rutan, Destructhor, and Dan Vadim Von. Only Erik and Destructhor contributed to writing while in the band. Mike Browning was the original drummer, Pete Sandoval was with the band from the first album till 2010. The current drummer is Scott Fuller. Mike contributed at least once to lyrics, Pete was responsible for some of the instrumental keyboard stuff, and Scott co-wrote some songs on the Kingdoms Disdained. All members not mentioned were live or session musicians and did not contributed to any writing on albums. (possibly some early members may have contributed to early demos)
Franz Joseph Hayden
Franz Joseph Hayden was a classical composer, a mentor to Mozart and tutor to Beethoven. Pete named him as his biggest classical influence.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a classical prodigy. Pete named him as an influence.
Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven is probably the best known classical composer. Pete named him as an influence.
Jimi Hendrix was a revolutionary player. Trey named him as an influence.
Pink Floyd are one of the best known progressive rock bands. Trey has mentioned being a fan.
Alice Cooper is the original shock rocker. David named him as an influence.
Mercyful Fate took traditional metal into a very technical direction with tons of riffs and changes in their songs. Trey named them as an influence.
W.A.S.P. are a hard rock / heavy metal band often associated with the glam bands. Steve named Blackie Lawless as a big influence.
Slayer were the most aggressive of the early thrash bands. Trey, Steve, and Erik named them as an influence. Pete named Dave Lambardo as an influence.
Terrorizer is a grindcore / death metal band and the first band of Pete. Trey was influenced by their demos and that is why he wanted Pete in the band. Morbid Angle’s first demos predate Terrorizer’s
Carcass started as a grindcore band, moved to a more death metal sound, and were melodic death pioneers. Trey named them as an influence. He named Symphonies of Sickness specifically which came out after Alters of Madness. Interestingly Jeff of Carcass said Morbid Angel influenced their first album which came out before Alters. Morbid Angle’s first demos predate Carcass’s
In more recent years Trey said he is a big fan of The Gathering.
As a kid David sung in the church choir, he took piano lessons when he was six and he played stand up bass in the school orchestra. Growing up his mom played a lot of Kingston Trio and The Beatles. He said he sung along and memorized stuff from the Kingston Trio as a kid. Kiss is often cited as one of his influences but I haven’t found him say this although he has talked about them in other contexts. He said he got into some blues and R&B through watching the Blues Brothers. Before playing he says he liked punk and hardcore bands like Misfits, Black Flag, Minor Threat, and Iron Cross. He said he was also liked some funk bands such as Ohio Players.
Steve Tucker replaced David for three albums before his return, but once again replaced him and is the current bassist/vocalist. When asked about favorite death metal albums he named De Profundis by Vader as his all time favorite. He also names Retribution by Malevolent Creation, the first three Immolation albums, Deicides first album, and anything Cannibal Corpse. He names Unleashed, Malevolent Creation, Morbid Angel, and Cannibal Corpse as favorite bands along side Destruction, Slayer and The Cure. He says his biggest influences are thrash and early death metal bands.
Richard Brunelle was the guitarist along side Trey on the first two albums. He has no writing credits and I’m unsure of his influences.
Erik said he loves classic death metal and named albums from Morbid Angel, Deicide, and Suffocation as favorites.
Pete played and wrote the keyboard instrumentals on Heretic and some on Formulas Fata to the Flesh. He is not credited for writing anywhere else. Besides noted above he metions listingin to AC/DC and Black Sabbath after school. He said all his influences were “speed metal” and specifically named Slayer and Metallica as his biggest influences that got him into playing thrash playing. He also mentions Exodus, Exciter, Dark Angel, Possessed, Bathory, Destruction, Kreator, Sodom, and Hellhammer.
Mike Browning was the original drummer and appeared on their early demos. Early on he was listening to bands like Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, and Pink Floyd. He got really hooked on metal after hearing Angel Witch and Mercyful Fate. He named his influences as Black Sabbath, Slayer, Angel Witch, Mercyful Fate, Celtic Frost, and stuff like that.
Drummer Scott Fuller co-wrote three songs with David on Kingdoms of Disdain. I’m unsure of his influences.
Guitarist Destructhor wrote two songs on Illud Divinum Insanus. I’m unsure of his influences.
Bands influenced by Morbid Angel!
As this project advances, bands will be added here… there are many!