Hammerfall Family Tree
This is a project aimed at making it easy to see who inspired the bands you love or even hate. For this I try not to use any influences that the band don’t claim themselves. There will be a focus on predecessors but successors will be added as they cite the band. These trees become more and more interactive as new bands are added, allowing you to click any band that has a tree and jump to it.
We want our lists to be better. If you know something that belongs on this list, let us know. When in doubt we will leave it out, so we need reliable sources.
Hammerfall are a prominent power metal band formed in the early 90’s with their first album released in 1997 and have been steadily active since. Guitarist Oscar Dronjak formed the band along side Jasper Strömblad of In Flames fame. Jasper never played on any releases, but wrote for the first three albums. Since the first album Joacim Cans has been on vocals and the three of them were the primary writers for the first three albums. After that point Jasper was no longer writing with the band (with the exception of one song) and it was primarily Oscar and Joacim with occasional contributions from other members over the years including guitarist Stefan Elmgren, and Pontus Norgren, bassists Fredrik Larsson, and current drummer David Wallin. No other members of the band are credited with writing.
Alice Cooper is one of the original shock rockers. Oscar named him as a favorite as a kid.
Kiss are one of the biggest American hard rock bands. Oscar name them as an inspiration and Ace as one of the reasons he picked up guitar. Hammerfall has covered “Detroit Rock City”.
Riot are one of the earliest American heavy metal bands but often overlooked. Oscar mentioned them as an influence. Joacim named Fire Down Under as a favorite album.
Picture are a lesser known traditional metal band from Germany. Oscar name them as a favorite growing up.
Demon were a NWOBHM band although ventured into a more prog rock thing for a time. Joacim named The Unexpected Guest as a favorite album.
Manowar often get credited as as the first power metal band. Although they predate any power metal movement, they certainly are responsible for many elements that would be incorporated in power metal. Oscar names them as a huge influence. Joacim named Eric Adams as an influence and Hail to England as a favorite album.
Warlord are a lesser known heavy/power metal band from the US. Oscar named them as a favorite growing up and Hammerfall covered “Children of the Damned” on their first album. Joacim named And the Cannons of Destruction Have Begun... as a favorite album.
Motley Crue became one of the biggest 80’s bands with their more glam rock sound, but earlier took a more speed metal approach. Oscar named them as a favorite growing up. Fredrik also named them as an influence.
Running Wild are a pirate themed traditional, speed, and power metal band. Oscar mentioned them as an influence.
Grim Reaper were a NWOBHM band, perhaps more cheesy than any other. Joacim named Rock You to Hell as a favorite album.
Pretty Maids are a rock and occasional metal band. Oscar named them as an influence.
W.A.S.P. are a hard rock / heavy metal band out of the early 80’s. Oscar named them as a favorite growing up. Fredrik also named them as an influence.
Queensryche are among the earliest of progressive metal and has influenced many power metal bands. Joacim named Geoff Tate as an influence and Operation: Mindcrime as a favorite album.
Stormwitch are a German heavy metal band. Oscar named them as a favorite and influence. Joacim named Tales of Terror as a favorite album. They covered “Ravenlord” on their first album.
Tyran' Pace was a German heavy metal band notably featuring future Gamma Ray and Primal Fear vocalist Ralf Sheepers. Oscar named them as a favorite growing up.
King Diamond formed his own band after departing Mercyful Fate, known for his distinct vocals and conceptual albums. Oscar named King Diamond as an inspiration. Joacim named King as an influence.
Zeno (Roth, as in Uli’s little brother) was a rock band on the poppy side. Joacim named the first album Zeno as a favorite album.
Gamma Ray was formed by Kai Hansen after his departure from Helloween. Oscar mentioned them as an influence.
Note: some of the influences named by Oscar are named as general influences on Hammerfall’s sound and not just him alone.
I’ve seen a couple places online site Ritchie Blackmore as one of and influence on Oscar, however I have not been able to corroborate that.
I have also seen Max Bacon named as an influence for Joacim; again, I have not been able to corroborate that.
Joacim said he’s not the biggest Kiss fan, but said that their stage shows are an influence.
Jesper Strömblad is noted as drummer/writer for the first three hammerfall albums, although did not perform on any hammerfall albums. The one influence I listed from him was Yngwie Malmsteen which he specifically named as an influence in his writing in hammerfall.
Peter Stålfors (Dream Evil bassist) co-wrote “I Believe”
Stefan Elmgren has a few writing credits over the years he was with Hammerfall, but I’m unsure of his influences. In an interview about his other band Full Strike he mentions it drawing influence from Hammerfall, but also sounding a bit like Dokken, Gary Moore, Accept, and Helloween. This are probably influences on him in HF, but I will leave the additions off the main list without better clarification.
Fredrick Larsson has no writing credit until Hammer of Dawn which is credited to the entire band. Besides the bands noted above, He also is a big fan of Anthrax. Later influences include Pantera, Meshuggah, Opeth, Pain of Salvation, and A.C.T.. Given his writing is limited to only one album at this time and the sound of Hammerfall hasn’t really changed, I’m excluding these influences from the main list.
Pontus Norgren has about one credit per album he appears on with the exception of Hammer of Dawn which credits are shared equally amongst the band. I am unsure of his influences.
David Wallin has shared writing credits with the rest of the band on Hammer of Dawn. Drummerzone lists his influencess as Scott Travis, Scott Rockenfield, Animal, Gregg Bissonette, Vinnie Paul, Dynamit-Harry, and Morgan Ågren. I have not corroborated this, so these will not be noted in the main list.