Vader Family Tree
Metal Family Tree
This is a project aimed at making it easy to see who inspired the bands you love or even hate. For this I try not to use any influences that the band don’t claim themselves. There will be a focus on predecessors but successors will be added as they site the band. These trees become more and more interactive as new bands are added, allowing you to click any band that has a tree and jump to it.
We want our lists to be better. If you know something that belongs on this list, let us know. When in doubt we will leave it out, so we need reliable sources.
Vader are Polish death metal legends who in their early days played some of the fastest stuff around. The band has had line up changes over the years with vocalist/guitarist Piotr "Peter" Wiwczarek being the only member in all incarnations. He has written the vast majority of Vader’s music with some newer members having some co-witting credits on newer albums.
Angel Witch is another of the most well known NWOBHM bands and were and influence on Peter.
Destruction was one of the earliest of the German thrash bands which is known for being very aggressive sounding.
Kreator is perhaps the most well known of the German thrash bands. Peter said they had a huge influence on him.
Maurycy Stefanowicz was second in Vader guitarist from 1997-2008. He has one writing credit on Art of War and four on Impressions in Blood. I have not found his influences.
Marek “Spider” Pająk has been second guitarist since 2010. He has writing credits on Welcome to the Morbid Reiche. I’m don’t know if he has done writing other than that and I have not found his influences.
No other members have had writing credits in the band.