Aug 15-21
Because there can be hundreds of releases a month style is noted to help you find something you are interested in. There is also my personal recommendation score ranging between -1 to +3.
-1 - not for me or just bad
+0 - not particularly interesting or not that good
+1 - worth checking out if you like the style
+2 - interest peaked and may be added to buy list after a listen
+3 going on my buy list
+4 already bought or pre-ordered
(As of March 27, I am no longer covering all Ep’s)
(As of April 20, I am no longer covering digital only releases. Cassettes don’t count; This isn’t 1984)
Aug 15, 2020
Band: Prison of Mirrors
Release: De Ritualibus et Sacrificiis ad Serviendum Abysso
Style: Black, drone/doom
Band: Great Cold Emptiness
Release: Death Gifted a Bouquet
Style: Post Black, atmospheric black, Blackened Funeral Doom
Aug 16, 2020
Band: Pharmacist
Release: Medical Renditions of Grinding Decomposition
Style: Death, sounds like Carcass believe it or not
Aug 17, 2020
Aug 18, 2020
Aug 19, 2020
Aug 20, 2020
Band: V.D.H (Valle de Hinom)
Release: V.D.H
Style: Gothic?
label bandcamp
Aug 21, 2020
Band: Expander
Release: Neuropunk Boostergang
Style: I don’t know, some kinda metal/punk crossover. It’s like a slightly more metal crust punk